Sunday, May 4, 2014

Top 10 Highlights from a Fun Weekend

Top 10 Highlights from a Fun Weekend (in random order)

1.       Family of 8 - Getting to see my parents and all 5 of my sisters for the first time in a looooong time.  Feeling refreshed and excited for lots of big family milestones the rest of this year.

2.       13.1 Miles - Watching my sister Carolyn finish her first half-marathon ever.  Trained alone without a group while juggling so many other priorities, and to top it off she beat her goal time.  Rockstar! (or should I say Superstar!?)

3.       7 Months Away - Being asked (and saying yes) to being in my sister Aileen’s wedding this November.  I love family events and I’m sure this one won’t disappoint!

4.       2 Hours of Bliss - Spending time in the yard.  Even if it was just mowing, trimming and weeding, I love being outside and I take a lot of pride in our yard.  Thanks to a very rainy week, everything is looking fresh and plentiful!

5.       Party of 6 - Dinner at a new restaurant – Hudson 29 in Upper Arlington.  Yum!

6.       26.2 Hilly Miles - Watching all the runners in the Cincinnati Flying Pig this weekend.  Anissa and I knew 3 people completing their first full marathon (and on such a tough course!), and they all killed it.

7.       9am Sweet Treats - Morning cocktails in an open-air bar in downtown Cincinnati with Anissa.  While waiting for runners to finish, we may have imbibed a few mimosas and some Irish coffee.

8.       Winning 2-1 - Watching Anissa’s nephew Alex play soccer.  Great weather for some kindergarten soccer (and random playtime with the Drew and Aidan too!).

9.       4 Slices Please! - Shark tank and pizza for dinner tonight.  After a fun but exhausting weekend, some greasy pizza and lazy time on the couch with my partner-in-crime is just what the doctor ordered.

10.   10pm Bedtime - Early bed time.  The next few weeks are going to be busy, so getting to bed before 10pm (vs. the usual 11:30pm) is a real treat!

Sorry, no pics to share from the weekend.  I should get better at that.

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to see you at the Pig! I would have loved to be at the bar with you at 9am, though. :)
