Tuesday, May 27, 2014

50 Things that make me happy

50 Things that make me happy

Today’s post is brought to you by the number 50.  I am stealing the general concept from some people I’ve seen doing it out there.  I am going to share 50 sources of happiness, one per day until my wedding day.  To spare you the anxiety of checking back every day, I will do 10 posts of 5, so be sure to check back every 5th day!

50.  Friday 5/23 - I am happy for Anissa’s end of the school year and for the start of “summer hours” at work for me.  On Friday Anissa had early-release on the last day of school, and I got to leave work at 12pm without taking personal time off.  Hello happy hour and an early start to a long weekend!

49.  Saturday 5/24 - I am happy for the weather and getting to relax and catch up with my little sister Laura on a lazy Saturday afternoon.  We had a pretty relaxed morning of coffee with Anissa and breakfast with my parents, followed by a few hours just sitting in the sun and shooting the shit (accompanied with a mid-afternoon vodka-soda).  Then we both dozed off while watching the Indians game.  What a great way to spend an afternoon!

48.  Sunday 5/25 - My parents bring me happiness.  I’ve gotten to see them twice this month which is a rare treat for me.  What a roller-coaster life has been for them the last couple years.  I’ve truly enjoyed watching them grow and learn, even beyond their already-infinite wisdom.  I feel loved and inspired every day because of them.  (side note – thanks to my sister Maureen, brother-in-law Ryan, and their future son/my future nephew for giving the family good reason to get together and celebrate!).

47.  Monday 5/26 – Planning my wedding brings me happiness.  Sure, there is stress involved when you are trying to orchestrate a major event with important details.  But through the whole process Anissa and I have found ways to have fun doing it.  Today, we did planning at Buffalo Wild Wings.  How can you be stressed with wings and beer?!

46.  Tuesday 5/27 – School brings me happiness.  I’m taking a pretty interesting class right now that revolves around inventive problem-solving.  It’s fairly “out-of-the-box” thinking for an MBA course, and it’s refreshing in that way.  While the nights are long and my weekends are usually consumed with schoolwork, I get a lot out of my program and I am fortunate to be able to continue my education.


1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love this idea Heffe! Can't wait to read the rest.
